Face-to-Face Retail Sales
Adflex has long standing relationships with one of the largest independent outsourced face-to-face sales networks in Australia.
Direct face-to-face engagement allows potential supporters to engage in a conversation about the brands causes and key messages. The collection methods are secure and reliable and forge a long-term relationship between the Charity and the supporter.
Different routes suit different products and services. To deliver a complete brand experience, Adflex works with charities to determine the most appropriate routes to market to ensure that each campaign can reach the supporters in an efficient and effective manner.
'We expose your organisation to a wider market'

Business to Consumer
This involves the sales’ person marketing to local businesses within the local communities to promote the campaigns. This provides exposure to your brand for both support at a business/company level as well individual support from staff working in the business. All salespeople receive comprehensive compliance and client/product training.

Paid Site / Kiosks
These are casual leasing sites, that the represented client funds from an agreed CML budget allocation. There will be a specific kiosk required for set up and client branded banners to display. The display is used to aid the sales process, attracting potential customers and achieving maximum exposure for the clients brands.

Local and Free Events
These are sites that are sourced by the marketing company. They may include setting up a stand in a high traffic area or outside of a busy retailer to get maximum exposure for the client’s brand.

Special Events
These may include events such as home shows, promotional days, television events, exhibitions, concerts or major sporting events. Basically, any event that has high traffic flow that will give the brand and campaign maximum exposure.

Community (Door to Door)
Residential fundraising is a great way to connect with people at their homes where they don't have as many distractions as in a public setting, and can spend quality time engaging and learning more about your brand.